Hong Kong
Exhibition: JAPONISMES
Art of Bamboo, Glass and Urushi
18 May – 22 June 2024

Yukito Nishinaka, YOBITSUGI : ‘Beauty in Imperfection’, 2017
Glass, gold leaf, silver leaf, H 38 x 18 x 15cm

Kei Hasegawa, Gaze II, 2023
Bamboo (Medake), rattan, H 55 x 40 x 30 cm

Exhibition: |
May 18, 2024 – June 22, 2024 2024年5月18 至 6月22日 |
Venue: |
wamono art |
WhatsApp 852 6822 2962 info@wamonoart.com |
Wamono art is excited to showcase some of its collections and works of artists who are introduced in the exhibitions in Paris, France in 2018 as a part of the “Japonismes 2018: les âmes en resonance” which was a joint project between Japan and France in commemoration of the 160th anniversary of friendship between France and Japan.
In this exhibition, some works and artists exhibited at “Japon Japonismes. Objets inspirés, 1867-2018” at Le Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and “Fendre l’air, Art du bamboo au Japon” in Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac are showed. In addition, works related to those participated artists are also exhibited to illustrate the wide variety of the aesthetic impressions of Japanese art. Installation views
This group exhibition covers bamboo, glass and urushi artists including Kazutoshi KIZAKI, Yukito NISHINAKA, Kenji TOKI, Jin MORIGAMI, Tokuzo SHONO, Kei HASEGAWA, Masaya Ike
and Hideaki Honma.
Wamono art 很高興展示其一些收藏品和藝術家的作品,這些作品曾於 2018年在法國巴黎的展覽中被介紹,作為“Japonismes 2018: les âmes en resonance” 的一部分,這是日本和法國為紀念法國和日本友誼160 週年的聯合展。
在這次展覽中,一些作品和藝術家在巴黎裝飾藝術博物館的“Japon Japonismes. Objets inspirés, 1867-2018” 展出和Quai Branly博物館 – Jacques Chirac 的” Fendre l’air, 日本的竹子藝術”展出。此外,還展出了與這些參展藝術家相關的作品,以說明日本藝術的各種美學印象。
本次集體展覽涵蓋竹、玻璃和漆器藝術家,包括木﨑和寿, 西中千人, 土岐謙次, 森上仁, 生野徳三, 本間秀昭、長谷川絢 和 池将也