wamono art

Hong Kong
Exhibitions: World of the world Wataru Yamakami Solo Exhibitions
World of the world 山上渡個展
山上渡个展 – 世界的世界

  28 – 31 March 2024
wamono art
  23 March – 11 May 2024

Wataru Yamakami, World of the world – Sequence of presence and absence
2024, Acrylic painting on cotton cloth, 350 x 700 cm
*Two-sided painting and both are front.

Wataru Yamakami, World of the world – Epilogue of Celebration and Transformation
2024, Oil on canvas, 112.3 x 145.6 x 3 cm

Art Central, Yi Tai Sculpture & Installation Projects Artists in Conversation with the Curator

Installation view at our gallery space in Wong Chuk Hang



VIP Preview, 貴賓預覽 , VIP预览 : 27 March 14:00-18:00
Night Central, 時段, 晚间展览 : 28 March 17:00-21:00
Public days, 公眾開放時間, 开放时间 : 28 March 12:00-17:00 / 29 March 12:00-18:00 / 30 March 11:00-19:00 / 31 March 11:00-17:00


Booth C16 & P03
Central Harbourfront, 9 Lung Wo Road, Hong Kong
C16和P03攤位, 香港中環海濱 龍和道9號
香港中环海滨 展位 C16 & P03, 香港龙和道9号



wamono art


23 March – 11 May 2024

VIP Artist Opening (invitation only), 貴賓藝術家開幕儀式 (僅限邀請 ),
VIP 艺术家开幕式 (仅限受邀贵宾):
Tuesday 26 March 17:00-20:00

Saturday Opening, 星期六開放時間, 每周六展览时间 12:00-18:00
23 March #SouthSideSaturday
30 March / 6, 13, 20, 27 April / 4, 11 May

Art Week Special Opening, 藝術週特別開幕, 艺术周特别展览时间:
Sunday 24 March 12:00-16:00
Monday 25 March 12:00-18:00
Tuesday 26 March 12:00-17:00
Wednesday 27 March 12:00-18:00
Thursday 28 March 10:00-18:00
Friday 29 March 12:00-18:00
3 月 24 日 星期日 12:00-16:00
3 月 25 日 星期一 12:00-18:00
3 月 26 日 星期二 12:00-17:00
3 月 27 日 星期三 12:00-18:00
3 月 28 日 星期四 10:00-18:00
3 月 29 日 星期五 12:00-18:00

Monday-Friday (1 April-10 May): By appointment
周一至周五(4月1日至5月10日): 需提前预约

Closed on Sunday & Public holiday, 星期日和公眾假期休息, 周日及公众假期休息


wamono art
WerkRaum, Unit A, 10/F, Derrick Industrial Building,
49 Wong Chuk Hang , Hong Kong
黃竹坑道 49 號得力工業大廈 10 樓 A 室


WhatsApp 852 6822 2962
Admission: Free, 入場:免費, 免费入场

Wataru Yamakami

wamono art presents solo exhibition of Wataru Yamakami in Hong Kong for the first time at two venues: Art Central 2024 and wamono art gallery in Wong Chuk Hang.

Yamakami’s themes are “proliferation and transformation”, “connection of boundaries” and “exploration of connection points”. Since childhood, Yamakami has had doubts and fears that everything that happens in the world is a fake or a fiction, and creating artwork is a way for him to connect himself with this invisible realm. Through motifs such as slime, minerals, drifting objects, natural phenomena, festivals and rituals, he tries to create his “truth“ with “seamless and elusive connection” that everything existing in this world is in flux and changes in both form and essence.

His two solo exhibitions will feature oil paintings and a sculpture, with a focus on his signature “World of the world” series, which he began in 2010. In addition, as an extension of this signature series, a new series of Festival-themed oil painting will be presented. At Art Central, Yi Tai Project will present his latest work, “World of the world- Sequence of presence and absence”, a 3.5 x 7 meter double-sided acrylic paint installation.

We are inviting viewers to immerse themselves in Yamakami’s unique world at two different venues.

wamono art 首次在香港兩個場所舉辦山上渡的個展: Art Central 2024 和黃竹坑的wamono art 畫廊。

山上渡的主題是”擴散和轉變”、”界限的聯繫”和”探索連接點”。從小,山上渡就懷疑和恐懼,世界上發生的一切都是假的或虛構的,創造作品是他與這個無形領域聯繫起來的一種方式。這個世界上存在的一切都在變化,形式和本質都在變化。透過黏菌、礦物、漂移物體、自然現象、節日和儀式等意念,他試圖利用 “無縫和難以捉摸的關係 “創造自己的”真實”。

他的兩個個人展將會展出油畫和雕塑作品,而他於2010年開始的著名”World of the world”系列是該展覽的重點。此外,作為這個著名系列的延伸,將推出一系列以節日為主題的新油畫。在Art Central, 「異體」項目將展示他的最新作品”World of the world -Sequence of presence and absence”,這是一個3.5×7米的雙面塑膠彩裝置。


wamono art首次在香港呈献日本艺术家山上渡的个展,分别在Art Central和位于黄竹坑的wamono art画廊两个场地举行。

山上个展的主题是“增殖与转化”、“边界的连接”和“连接点的探索”。 艺术家从小就怀疑并恐惧世界上发生的一切都是虚假或虚构的,创作艺术品是他与这个无形领域的链接方式。 他通过绘制粘液,矿物质,漂浮的物体、自然现象、节日的仪式等图案,试图创造出他所理解的“无缝和难以描述联系”的“真理”,表达世界上存在的一切都在变化,无论是在形式上还是在本质上。

这次的两个个展将主要展示山上从2010 年开始创作的标志性系列作品“世界的世界”的油画和雕塑,以及延展出一系列以节日为主题的新画作。山上的最新作品,一个3.5米x 7米的双面丙烯画的装置:“世界的世界 – 存在与不存在的序列” 将会在Art Central 的“异体”雕塑及装置项目上展出,。



Born in 1981 in Kochi, Japan, Wataru Yamakami began painting graffiti on the streets in Tokyo at the age of 16, afterwards he spent four years hitchhiking around Japan, Thailand, India and South America while creating artwork. In India he spent one year studying religion and rituals in different places. During traveling around Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, he became interested in shamanism. Encounters with shamans, indigenous peoples and hippies became his inspiration. He held his first solo exhibition in Cusco, Peru.

He won Special Award, The 12th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art in 2009, and Runner-up Prize and Audience Award, Tokyo Midtown Award in 2013. In 2019, he received a grant from the Agency for Cultural Affairs for Upcoming Artists and stayed in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Heri Dono, an artist representing Indonesia was his host. In 2020 his solo exhibition was held at the space, Studio Karahan established by Heri Dono.

In 2022, he held a solo exhibition “World of the world – Gathering wind, to send off into the sky” at the Nizayama Forest Art Museum, Toyama in Japan which is a former hydroelectric power plant. He presented an installation of 7m x 12m huge painting moved by the wind.


他獲得的特別獎當中包括,2009年第12屆岡本太郎當代藝術獎,2013年獲得東京中城獎亞軍和觀眾票選獎。2019年,他獲得了新銳藝術家文化事務機構的贈款,並留在印度尼西亞日惹藝術家海利·多諾的工作室作為駐場藝術家。2020年,他的個展在海利·多諾建立的 Studio Karahan空間舉行。
2022年,他在日本前水力發電廠的下山藝術之森發電所美術館舉辦了個展”World of the world– Gathering wind, to send off into the sky”。他展出了一幅被風吹動的7米x12米大畫的裝置藝術。


山上渡出生于1981 年,日本高知县。16岁开始在东京的街头创造涂鸦,之后在日本、泰国、印度和南美四处搭车旅行四年,同时创作艺术作品。在印度,他花了一年时间研究各地的宗教和风俗仪式。 在秘鲁、玻利维亚、智利和阿根廷旅行期间,他开始对萨满教产生了兴趣。与萨满、土著人民和嬉皮士的相遇为他带来了创造的灵感。他在秘鲁的库斯科举办了首个个人展览。
山上在2009年获得了第12届冈本太郎当代艺术节的特别奖,以及2013年东京中城奖的亚军和观众奖。2019年,他获得印度尼西亚文化事务局为新晋艺术家提供的资助奖励,并留在了日惹创作。当时的颁奖嘉宾是印度尼西亚的著名艺术家海利·多诺(Heri Dono)。2020年,他在多诺的工作室(Studio Karahan)举办了个人展览。
2022年,山上在日本富山县的下山艺术之森发电厂美术馆举办了个展“世界的世界——聚风,送行於天际”,该馆的前身是一座水力发电厂。 山上展示了一幅受风力驱动的7米x 12米的巨型油画装置。

More details

Art Central – Yi Tai project: Presented by wamono art in collaboration with Kuroyama Syacyu, Inc.
Art Central-「異體」項目:由wamono art 與 黒山社中合作呈現。
Art Central的“异体”雕塑及装置项目将由wamono art画廊及株式会社黒山社中共同合作呈现。

© wamono art 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.