Kenji Toki>Nunome – Shippomon Vessel in Urushi and Hemp
- Nunome - Shippomon Vessel in Urushi and Hemp, 2012
- Kanshitsu (Hemp Fiber Reinforced Urushi)
H 13 x 32 x 32 cm
Edition 5 It is a lucky pattern where circles are overlapping and connected. Kanji chinese character named Shippo is written as seven treasures, which is a Buddhist word that shows treasures such as gold, silver, pearls, agata, crystal, coral and lapis lazuli. It is a wish for family satisfaction and prosperity that such patterns should last forever.
Kenji Toki
- 1969
- Born in Kyoto, Japan
- 1994
- Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Crafs, Urushi lacquering, Japan
Hiradate Award, Graduation exhibition, Kyoto City University of Arts - 1996
- Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Master’s course, Department of Crafts, Urushi lacquering.
Scholarship Award, Japan Urushi Association - 1996-98
- Lecturer of Urushi lacquering, Kyoto City University of Arts
- 1998
- First Prize, Kyoto Prefectural Art and Crafts Exhibition, Japan
8th Arts Festival, Kyou Exhibition, Higashi Hongan-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan - 2000
- 2000 Selected New Art exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Japan
- 2000-
- Lecturer of Sculpture course, Kyoto University of Art & Design, Kyoto, Japan
- 2001
- 2001 Selected Art and Crafts exhibition, The Museum of Kyoto, Japan
- 2002
- 2002 Selected Art and Crafts exhibition, The Museum of Kyoto, Japan
Toki Kenji Exhibition, INAX gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Message of Urushi from Kyoto Exhibition, The Museum of Kyoto, Japan
Research fellow, University of Surrey, UK - 2003
- Latency – Kenji Toki Japanese Lacquer Works exhibition, The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College, UK
- 2004
- The Daiwa Angle-Japanese Foundation Grant, UK
Japan Foundation’s Dispatch Fellowship - 2006
- DOMANI Tomorrow Exhibition, Sompo Japan Seiji Togo Memorial Museum, Tokyo, Japan
- 2010
- Aizu Urushi Art Festival exhibition, Fukushima Museum, Japan
- 2012
- Shippoumontai kanshitsu touki exhibition, Karuizawa New Art Museum, Nagano, Japan
- 2013
- Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Doctoral course, Research Fields of Urushi lacquering
Materializing exhibition, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of The Arts, Japan
Materializing exhibition, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of The Arts, Tokyo, Japan - 2016
- Liquid to Solid Kenji Toki x Mitsuhiro Kanada URUSHI composite structure exhibition, AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 2017
- Kanshitsu Exhibition, Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo, Ishikawa, Japan
International Hokuriku Kogei Summit: World Kogei Selection of 100 Exhibition, Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design, Toyama, Japan - 2018 -19
- Japon-Japonismes, Objets inspirés 1867-2018, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
- Public Collections :
- Kyoto Prefectural Education Center, Japan
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, USA
Victoria & Albert Museum, UK
Canadian Museum of History, Canada
Museo de Arte Moderno La Casa de Japan, Argentina